Nje jete me kengenKush mund te mos pajtohet se kengetarja Shkurte Fejza tashme nuk eshte bere idhull per shumekend! Ajo, qysh si vajze, e deshmoi talentin e saj ne Mushtisht te Therandes, ku si filloriste, e pastaj si gjimnaziste, e nisi vezullimin e saj ne shkalle kombetare. Si anetare e SHKA “Aferdita” te fshatit, Shkurta e vulosi famen e saj te gjate dhe te pakontestueshme nga askush.
“Kur e degjoj tek kendon Shkurte Fejza, me behet sikur dikush qendis me mendafsh. Sa lehte kendon, te thuash pa i hapur fare buzet dhe pa iu dukur dejte e qafes"...ky vleresim i perafert i kengetares se madhe Nexhmije Pagarusha duket se i thote te gjitha per kete kengetare, lapidare!
Sigurisht, si cdo e re, Shkurta kishte nevoje per perkrahje dhe pranim te vlerave te saj. Kjo ndodhi me 1975, ne festivalin “Takimet e Majit”, i cili ishte mbajtur ne Prizren, ku ajo e fitoi cmimin “Debutantja me e suksesshme”. Shkrimin e pare per te e kishte shkruar atdhetari dhe deshmori Jusuf Gervalla ne gazeten “Rilindja”. Po ne kete vit, ne Mushtisht, themelohet SHKA “Aferdita”, ne te cilen Shkurta ishte qe nga dita e pare, duke paralajmeruar nje Aferdite per gjithe boten shqiptare.
Po, si e ndien veten Shkurta tash, pas nje karriere te gjate ne muziken tone te paster dhe te bukur?Eh, si mund ta ndiej! Mund te them, shume mire, madje shkelqyer. Sikur, kur pas nje rruge te gjate e te veshtire arrin ne nje koder, pastaj ndalesh dhe klith: Ia arrita! I rikujton sfidat dhe dukesh e lodhur, por kur te shohesh se e ke arritur cakun, atehere te shtohet fuqia dhe sikur i thua vetes: vazhdo per te pushtuar edhe majat me te larta te artit. E kam ditur se do te jete rruge e gjate, por kur e di cka do nga jeta, mos u frikeso kurre nga deshtimi. Une, qe ta flak per pak modestine, nuk e njoh dhe nuk e pranoj deshtimin, mu sikur vargu i Din Mehmetit: “Fatin, ne kete rast te kunderten e tij, nuk e nenshkruaj kurre”.
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Shkurte Fejza, vitet 70' |
Shkurte, viti 1978 ishte vit qe beri kthese ne jeten tone muzikore. Madje, per kete ju keni merite te madhe. Keni percjelle Festivalin e Gjirokastres, i keni kenduar Mic Sokolit, “Erdha nga Qyteti”, “Moj Syzeza”, etj. Ishin kenge te renda per kohen, por ju kishit kuraje t’i kendonit?Vetem ata qe e kane jetuar ate kohe e dine. Kenga shqipe degjohej rralle, shume rralle. Nje pjese e njerezve kishin arritur kinse nje “nivel te kultures” dhe degjonin muzike sllave, nderkaq pjesa tjeter degjonte fshehtas kenge shqipe nga Radio-Tirana. Ne ate kohe mbahej Festivali i Gjirokastres dhe une e degjoja fshehtas. I mora kenget me te mira dhe me orkestren e SHKA ”Aferdita” u pergatitem per t’i kenduar. Vlen te theksoj se instrumentistet dhe aktivistet e kesaj shoqerie ishin njerezit me idealiste te asaj kohe dhe ishin shume te perkushtuar per ceshtjen kombetare. Me nje perkushtim te madh u be orkestra e pare folklorike ne Kosove.
Nderkaq, me 1979, TVP i beri xhirimet e para. Dy emisione nga gjysme ore u emetuan, kurse dy te tjera asnjehere nuk i pa publiku?Pas disa koncerteve erdhi kerkesa nga RTP-ja per xhirimin e emisioneve. Deshiroj te theksoj se merite te madhe kane disa njerez te RTK-se per afirmimin tim aq te shpejte dhe te vrullshem. Dua t’i permend: i ndjeri Musa Tolaj, pastaj Mehdi Bajri, Nuhi Matoshi, Hamez Lokaj e te tjere. Keta e deshen kengen e bukur dhe paten guximin qe t’i xhirojne dhe t’i shfaqin, sepse pushteti i atehershem i vleresonte si kenge nacionaliste.
Por, koncertet me te shpeshta dhe me te dendura filluan rreth vitit 1980. Si u pritet neper ato koncerte dhe si ishte atmosfera?Viti 1980 eshte vit i kulminacionit dhe i afirmimit tim. Koncerte kemi mbajtur ne te gjitha qendrat e Kosoves, por edhe neper fshatra. Ovacionet e publikut nuk ndaleshin gjate tere kohes. Besoj se askush deri tash nuk kishte arritur ta nxiste atmosferen ne nivelin qe kisha arritur une.
Tashme po krijohej idhulli Shkurte Fejza dhe ky idhull vazhdon te jetoje edhe sot. Si ndiheni dhe cfare emocionesh keni?Po, mund te them se po. E ndieja kete si neper koncerte, pastaj ne rruge, ne shkolla, kudo. Kete admirim ndaj meje adhuruesit e shfaqnin nepermjet letrave, saqe nje dite edhe postieri i fshatit, si me shaka, me tha qe te shkoja te merrja nje thes me letra per mua. Kjo ndjenje me ka percjelle gjate tere jetes. Pergjate atyre viteve kisha marre njefare vule te fames, e cila edhe sot me jep te drejte te kendoj dhe te krenohem me kete konfirmim, perjetesisht. Megjithate, vazhdimisht me ka percjelle njefare lloj treme dhe asnjehere nuk kam arritur ta emertoj drejt: eshte kjo treme apo pergjegjesi.

Megjithate, ndermjet viteve 1981-1983, ishit e detyruar ta nderprisnit kengen dhe paraqitjen publike, per shkak se kenget tuaja ishin te ndaluara nga regjimi totalitar. Megjithate, me shume peripeci arritet qe me 1984 t’i nxirrnit kater kenge: “Cohuni djema, shaloni atin”, “Valizake”, “O ky vend i bukur me lule plot”, “Maji i kuq”. Me kengen “O ky vend i bukur me lule plot”, ne Radio-Prishtine e fituat Mikrofonin e arte?Koncertet e fundit i kemi mbajtur me 17 dhe 19 janar 1981 ne Mitrovice dhe kurre ne jeten time nuk do ta harroj atmosferen qe ka mbreteruar gjate dy diteve, kur kishte edhe nga 3000-4000 shikues. Pastaj erdhi casti i rende per mua, per anetaret e “Aferdites” nga Mushtishti, si dhe per te gjithe adhuruesit e kengeve tona: nderprerja e dhunshme e aktiviteteve tona. Ne harkun kohor 1983-1984 me erdhi ftesa per t’i regjistruar disa kenge popullore, por jo edhe folklorike me orkestren e RTP-se. Megjithate, u be si u be, dhe i regjistrova ato kater kenge, te cilat bene nje bum artistik, sidomos kenga “Dola ke porte e kalase” (pastaj, “Maji i kuq”). Po ate vit, ne programin e dyte, kenga “O, ky vend i bukur me lule plot” u be hit i kohes dhe, me votat e degjuesve, e fitova Mikrofonin e arte. Ndonese znj. Liljana Cavolli me kishte ftuar per ta marre shperblimin, ai kurre nuk m’u dha, sepse dora e pushtetit ishte zgjatur edhe ketu. Nuk e di si e kane ndier veten ata qe e moren cmimin tim.
Keni kenduar edhe ne Kercove dhe aty keni krijuar nje atmosfere shperthyese. Si ndodhi kjo dasme madheshtore?Kenget e mia sfidonin muziken sllave qe ishte ngulitur kudo neper viset shqiptare ne Maqedoni. Ne vitin 1986 me ftuan ne nje dasme ne Kercove. Shkova dhe kendova, fale insistimit te profesorit te nderuar, Ukshin Hoti. Dasma u mbajt ne nje livadh, ku u mblodhen mijera veta. Me besoni, dasma i ngjasonte nje demonstrate me te shtena dhe me brohoritje. Duket se kjo atmosfere i tmerroi qarqet politike te Maqedonise, keshtu qe derisa me 13 shtator po kendoja ne fshatin Stremnice te Tetoves, erdhi policia dhe vetem fale presionit te publikut, i shpetuam arrestimit. Megjithate, pasi arritem ne Kosove, nga lajmet kuptuam se gjithe grupin e kishin denuar me burg.
Per kete shkak, me 1988 u larguat nga procesi arsimor si e papershtatshme, por e nxoret albumin, “Oj Kosove, oj nana ime”, i cili u be njefare lamenti kombetar?Po, me larguan arbitrarisht si e papershtatshme politikisht. Hajrushi (bashkeshorti, v.j.) e vuajti denimin me burg dhe nderkohe edhe ate e larguan nga puna me 1989 per shkak te organizimit te greves se punetoreve ne IGK “Ballkan”, ku ai punonte. Pastaj, edhe na i moren pasaportat. Por, fundi i vitit 1989, e solla albumin tjeter dhe kengen emblematike “Oj Kosove, nana ime”, e cila do te behej nje megahit kombetar. Ne fund te viteve te tetedhjeta, synoja te depertoja ne Evrope dhe te merrja pjese ne atmosferen kombetare, qe kishte per qellim ngjalljen dhe forcimin e dashurise per nenen (Kosoven). Kjo kenge sikur i shkonte pershtati ambientit te krijuar. Njeriu duhet ta doje nenen e vet dhe ta ngreje ne piedestal. Edhe sot mendoj se me shume se fjala nene qe i lidh njerezit, nuk e lidh asnje tjeter. I hyra tekstit te Nolit, e pershtata, e kompozova muziken dhe doli kenga “Mbahu neno, mos ke frike, se i ke djemte ne Amerike”. Dhe, ashtu doli.
Keni bashkepunuar me kompozitorin nga Tropoja, Kole Susaj, dhe pastaj me 1992, per here te pare, keni shkuar ne Shqiperi, ku e keni regjistruar kengen per rrugetimin tuaj te pare ne Shqiperi? Si e perjetuar kete vizite?Bashkepunimin me z. Kole Susaj e kam filluar pa shkuar ne Shqiperi. Pas kenges “Oj, Kosove, oj nana ime”, e kam punuar albumin “Per memedhene“. Qarqet serbe duket i kishin rene ne gjurme ketij albumi dhe 30 mije kaseta na i konfiskuan, por ne e gjetem formen dhe ate e incizuam serish dhe, kesisoj, “Per memedhene” – mori dhene.
Me nje rast, thoni: “Rruges sime per ne Shqipni, me ka percjell ai Drini i Zi, dhe u nisa per me ardhe, porsi vala e Drinit te Bardhe”. Jane vargje emocionuese keto?Ishte viti 1992 kur shkova per here te pare ne Shqiperi. Rrugen time artistike doja ta shenoja ashtu sic e ndieja. Tekstin e Capalikut ia besova kompozitorit Zef Qoba, i cili e punoi pikerisht ashtu sic kerkoja: e bukur dhe me mesazh te qarte. Vargun “kam nje lot m’pikon si ar”, une edhe si mall, edhe si brenge, edhe si gezim... Nuk e di a e keni hasur kete varg ne ndonje poezi, por ne kenge jo se jo. Ky eshte varg vetem i imi dhe dua ta ruaj me fanatizem tere jeten si dicka te vlefshme.
Pastaj renditen kenget “Cka ka zogu qe po qan”, “Vdekje s'ka”, “Te dua Kosove”, ku, ne njefare menyre, ishit ne kulmin e shkelqimit tuaj. E thash edhe me heret se kenget e mia kane porosi ne momentin e daljes ne drite dhe ne cdo kohe mund te degjohen. Sot, ne kenget e mia nuk do te kisha nderruar asnje fjale, madje asnje shprehje te vetme. Ne keto tekste e gjeni programin tim kombetar, te shprehur nepermjet kenges. Konsideroj se cdo njeri duhet ta kryeje punen ashtu si duhet dhe ne te mire te popullit te vet. Edhe sot le ta kryeje punen e vet me nder dhe profesionalizem. Tekefundit, Zoti i Madh kur ta jep nje dhunti, shfrytezoje per te miren e vendit. Pas luftes, kam vazhduar me albumet “Jo nuk ndahet Mitrovica”, pastaj kengen dhe albumin “Te dua Kosove”, “Shqiptari te dua”, “Guri i Pavaresise”, e keshtu me radhe.
Ne harkun kohor 2000-2004, se bashku me Shyhrete Behlulin, Remzije Osmanin, Naxhije Fejzen, motrat Mustafa, Mahmut Feratin, Nikolle Nikprelajn edituat shume kenge, te cilat, te tubuara neper albume, e tranden boten shqiptare ne mergate?Keto vitet e fundit, shume njerez me vetedije apo pa te kane hequr dore nga muzika shqipe dhe degjojne nje lloj muzike, te ciles as emri nuk i dihet. Dhe, ne, kengetaret, po incizojme kenge shqipe qe mund te vallezohet shume bukur dhe te perdoren neper dasma dhe ahengje familjare. Bashkepunimin e kemi vazhduar me kompozitoret Naim Gjoshi, Edmond Zhulali, Perparim Topcini, Aleksanser Peci, Naim Krasniqi, Xhevdet Gashi,Valton Beqiri, Burim Krasniqi,Ylber Asllani, Bekim Bislimi, Demir Krasniqi, kurse tekstet e kengeve i kemi marre kryesisht nga Ismail Kadare, Dritero Agolli, Xhevahir Spahiu, Hamit Alijaj, Naim Plaku, Gjok Beci, Ymer Shkreli, Faruk Tasholli, Naime Beqiraj, Bekim Lumi, Fatmir Muja, etj., por me se shumti me kane frymezuar rilindesit tane, Fishta e Naimi. Dua t’i falenderoj te gjithe keta emra per bashkepunim korrekt dhe shume profesional e miqesor.
Duket se juve po ju trashegon bindshem vajza, Gresa. Kenga ne duet me te, per nenen, eshte prekese dhe plot emocione, apo jo?Po, ka shume emocione, sidomos per nenat dhe te them te drejten kam pasur problem me emocionet e mia gjate kendimit, sidomos gjate xhirimeve te videoklipit.
Sa i perket Greses, ajo ka nje vokal te embel dhe shume te mire. Shpresoj se me pune do te arrije shume.
Mirepo, Gresa kendon nje muzike tjeter, muziken e lehte, ne skene duket si nje zonjushe e rende?Flm. per vleresimin tuaj. Po mundohem ta mesoj per te mire. Tekefundit, njeriu me shembullin e vet i meson dhe i edukon gjeneratat e reja. Eshte ceshtje e tyre sa i marrin seriozisht keto keshilla.
Dukeni shume modeste ne skene dhe ne jete. Jeni fjalepake dhe ze me bollek?Paraqitja skenike eshte art ne vete, por gjithmone jam munduar te jem e natyrshme, te jem vetja, pra te dukem origjinale. Pastaj, zeri, sepse pa ze te bukur nuk ka kendim te bukur. Kurre nuk e kam kopjuar dike, por gjithmone kam qene Shkurte Fejza.
Megjithate, duket se kenga ju ka bere te famshme dhe besa edhe te pasur, se paku shpirterisht, kurse materialisht mund te vetekuptohet?Po. I kam kater femije. I pari eshte djali, te cilit ia kam vene emrin nga rrenjet tona, Arber. E dyta eshte vajza, e cila e ka emrin nga rrushi yne, Gresa. I treti lidhet me besen, pra quhet Besiana dhe femija i katert e mban emrin e dickaje qe po agon, pra Agnesa. Secili nga keta emra ka kuptim dhe simbolike ne kohen kur kane lindur. Jam e lumtur dhe jetoj ne harmoni me ta. Te gjithe keta jane pasuria ime me e madhe.
Si ta mbyllim kete interviste te shkurter per karrieren e pasur dhe te gjate te Shkurte Fejzes?Per te gjitha te arriturat e mia i falem Zotit, familjes sime dhe te gjithe adhuruesve te mi qe me perkrahen per gjithe kete periudhe kaq te gjate. /shaqir foniqi/telegrafi/
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[[ translation by google:
A life in song
Who can not agree that Singer Kanye West has not already made an idol for many! It, since as a girl, proved her talent in the Theranda Mushtisht, where the elementary school, then as high school students, began her twinkle nationally. As a member of the CAS "Venus" in the village, Short sealed her fame long and uncontested by anyone.
"When I listen to Kanye West sings, as if someone embroider on silk. How easy sing, to tell without opening the lips all without being pretentious and entitlements of the neck "... this rough estimate of the great singer seems Nexhmije & Style tells all about this singer, lapidary!
Of course, like any new Short needed support and acceptance of its values. This happened in 1975 at "May Meeting" which was held in Prizren, where she won the "most successful Debutantja". The first script was written to the patriot and martyr Yusuf Gërvalla in the "Renaissance". The same year, in Mushtisht established the CAS "Venus", in which Short was the first day, a warning to all around the world Aphrodite.
Yes, Short sees himself as being, after a long career in our music pure and beautiful?
Well, how do I feel! I can say, very good, excellent even. If, when after a long and difficult reaches on a hill, then stop and cry: It arrived! I recalled the challenges and look tired, but when you see that goal reached, then increase the power and if you say to yourself: go to conquer the highest peaks of art. I know it will be a long road, but when you know what life, never fear of failure. I, to throw a little humility, I do not know and do not accept failure, just like Din Mehmed verse: "Fate, in this case its the opposite, do not ever sign."
Christmas, the year 1978 was a year that made musical twist in our lives. Furthermore, for this you have great merit. You convey Festival Gjirokastra, Mic Sokoli you singing, "I came from the City," "Love Syzeza", etc.. Songs were heavy for the time, but you had the courage to sing?
Only those who lived that time know. Albanian song heard rarely, very rarely. A part of the public had allegedly made a "cultural level" and Slavic music listening, while the rest listened secretly Albanian song from Radio Tirana. At that time the festival was held Gjirokastra and I listened quietly. I took the best songs and the orchestra of CAS "Venus" was prepared to sing. It is worth to emphasize that instrument and activists of the society were the most idealistic people of that time and were very dedicated to the national cause. With a strong commitment became the first folk orchestra in Kosovo.
Meanwhile, in 1979, TVP made the first recordings. Two editions were issued by the half hour, while the other two never saw the public?
After several concert requests came from RTP has to shoot the shows. I want to emphasize that the great merit have some people RTK my affirmation as fast and impetuous. I want to mention: The late Musa Tolaj, then Mehdi Bajric, Noah Matoshi, Hamëz Lokaj of others. They loved the beautiful song and had the courage to running and to display, because the power of the then estimated as nationalist songs.
But the most frequent concerts and more dense began around 1980. As was expected in those concerts was the atmosphere?
Year 1980 is the year of my height and affirmation. Concerts have maintained in all centers of Kosovo, but also in villages. Ovacionesh public does not stop the clock. I believe that nobody so far had failed to boost the atmosphere at a level I had achieved.
Already created an idol and this idol Kanye West continues to live today. How you feel and what emotion?
Yes, I can say yes. And I felt this as in concerts, then roads, schools, everywhere. This admiration to the fans showed me through letters, that one day even the village postman, as the joke, told me to go and take a paper bag for me. This feeling has followed throughout his life. During those years I had taken some stamp of fame, which even now gives me the right to sing and boast of this confirmation, eternally. However, has consistently convey some sort of vestibule and I never managed to denominate: it is this vestibule or responsibility.
However, between 1981-1983, were forced to abort the song and the public display, because your songs were banned by a totalitarian regime. However, with many difficulties in 1984 came to be torn out four songs: "Stand up guys, father Saddle", "Valizake", "O this beautiful country full of flowers", "May the wind". With the song "O this beautiful country full of flowers" in Radio Prishtina earned gold microphone?
Recent concerts have held on 17 and January 19, 1981 in Mitrovica and never in my life I will not forget the atmosphere that has prevailed for two days, when there were spectators from 3000-4000. Then came the hard moment for me, for members of the "Venus" from Mushtisht, and to all lovers of our songs: the violent interruption of our operations. In the 1983-1984 time frame the invitation came to record some folk songs, but not with folk orchestra RTP. However, it was being made, and of registered those four songs, which became an artistic boom, especially the song "I got you the castle gate" (then, "May the wind"). That same year, the second program, the song "Oh, this beautiful country full of flowers" became the hit of the time and, with the audience votes, won the golden microphone. Although Ms. How To Grow Bonsai Ljiljana had invited me to take the reward, he never gave me, for the hand of power was extended here. I do not know how they felt they took my prize.
Have performed well in Kicevo and there have created an explosive atmosphere. How did this magnificent wedding?
Challenged my songs Slavic music was embedded throughout the Albanian areas of Macedonia. In 1986, invited me to a wedding in Kicevo. I went and sang, thanks to the insistence of Professor honored, Hoti. The wedding was held in a meadow, where thousands of people gathered. Believe me, the wedding looked like a shooting demonstration with cheers. It seems that this atmosphere of political circles terrified of Macedonia, so until September 13 Stremnicë are singing in the village of Tetovo, police arrived and only thanks to public pressure, saved arrest. However, once we arrived in Kosovo, the news group found that all were sentenced to prison.
For this reason, in 1988 were fleeing from the educational process as inadequate, but brought up album, "Oj Kosovo, O my mother," which became a kind of national lament?
Yes, arbitrarily removed me as politically inappropriate. Hajrushi (spouse, vj) suffered imprisonment and even while he lost his job in 1989 for organizing a strike of workers in the IGK "Balkans", where he worked. Then, we took the passports. But in late 1989, I brought another album and emblematic song "Oj Kosovo, my mother," which would become a national megahit. In the late eighties, aims to penetrate in Europe and took part in the national atmosphere, aimed at revival and strengthening of maternal love (Kosovo). This song went like the environment adapted to create. Man should love his mother and to raise the pedestal. Even today I think that more than a mother comes to connecting people, does not bind any other. The text entries Noli, the adaptation, the kompozova music and the song went "Keep Neno, do not be afraid, that you guys in America." And, just came out.
Have collaborated with the composer from Tropoja Susaj Kole, and then in 1992, for the first time, you go to Albania, where you recorded the song for your first journey to Albania? As experienced this visit?
Collaboration with Mr. Kole Susaj I started without going to Albania. After the song "Oj, Kosovo, O my mother," I worked on the album "For mëmëdhenë". Circles had apparently fallen to trace this album and 30 thousand tapes seized us, but we found it incizuam form and again and, thus, "For mëmëdhenë" - took the goats.
In one case, say: "My road to the Vanni, he has followed the Black Drin, and I went to come, like the wave of the White Drin." These verses are exciting?
That was in 1992 when I went for the first time in Albania. My artistic way like I marked them as I felt. He believed Capalikut text Zef Qoba composer, who worked exactly as it requires: the beautiful and clear message. Verse "I have a lot m'pikon as gold", I also like the mall, even as sorrow, joy as ... I do not know whether you have encountered this verse in a poem, but the song rather than not. This is the only range of mine and I want to save the life fanaticism as something valuable.
Then rank the songs on "What bird that weeps", "Death no", "I love Kosovo," where, somehow, you were at the height of your glory.
And I said earlier that my songs have the custom at the time of exit to light at any time and can be heard. Today, in my songs I would not change a single word, even no single expression. In these texts find my national program, expressed through song. I think that every man should do the job properly and good to his people. Even today, let them perform their job with honor and professionalism. Ultimately, God is Great when you give a gift, use for the good of the country. After the war, I continued with the albums "No, not divided Mitrovica," then the song and album "I Love Kosovo", "Citra Love You", "Stone of Independence", and so forth.
In the 2000-2004 time frame, along with Shyhrete Behluli, Remzije Osman Naxhije Fejzën, sisters, Mahmut Ferati, Nikole Nikprelaj edited many songs, which, gathered around the albums, the Albanian Diaspora trandën world?
In recent years, many people consciously or not given up on Albanian music and hear a kind of music, whose name is unknown either. And, we, the singers, are recording songs that can vallëzohet Albanian beautifully and used at weddings and parties, family.
Collaboration with composers have continued Gjoshi Naim, Edmond Zhulali, Topçini progress, Aleksansër Peci, Naim Krasniqi, Xhevdet Gashi, Valton Beqiri Source Krasniqi, Rainbow Aslani, Blessing Bislimi, Demir Krasniqi, and song lyrics have taken mainly by Ismail Kadare , Green Hill: Poem, Jewel Spahiu Alijaj Hamid, Naim Elder, Gjok Beci, Ymer Shkreli Tasholli Faruk, Naime Beqiraj, River Blessing, Fatmir Muja, etc.., but I was mostly inspired our rilindësit, Fish and Naim. I want to thank all those names to the correct cooperation of friendly and very professional.
It appears that you are being obedient daughter inherits the complete profile. The song in duet with her, the mother, is touching and exciting, right?
Yes, there are many emotions, especially to mothers and say right I had a problem with my emotions during singing, especially during the filming of the video clip.
Gresës terms, it has a sweet vocals and very good. I hope that the work will reach many.
However, Gresa sings a different music, light music, the scene looks like a serious young lady?
Flm. for your evaluation. I am trying to learn to be good. Ultimately, one with its own example teaches and educates new generations. Their matter as seriously take these tips.
You look very modest on stage and in life. Are reticent and voice plenty?
Submission stage is art in itself, but I always tried to be natural, be yourself, so the original look. Then, the voice, because without a beautiful voice singing beautiful there. I never copied anyone, but I was always Kanye West.
However, it seems that the song has made you famous and rich besa well, at least spiritually, materially and could be understood?
Yes. I have four children. First is the son, whom I put the name of our roots, Arber. The second is the daughter, which has the name of our grapes complete profile. The third relates to the covenant, so called Besiana and fourth child is named after something that is dawning, that Agnes. Each of these names have meaning and symbolism at the time when they were born. I am happy and live in harmony with them. All these are my greatest asset.
As we close this brief interview career was long and Fejzës Christmas?
For all of my achievements pray God, my family and all my fans who supported me for all this long period. / Snoop Foniqi / telegraph /]]