We are shaping the magic of bioresonance crencia quantified nod pair what they want us to feel.
The word belongs to the world of the concrete, through it we describe an emotion, something abstract to Tonal pertnece conocemos.LA word, to the third dimension.As Mr. Oscar Villarroya says:Estracto cover of La Vanguardia of Barcelona.
- "..... Exactly. Actually, any experience other than teaching is useless. The student learns not by your words but by your own experience. Professor can take you by the hand to the experience, but can not live by it, then explain it and wait and learn .. "
Words are concepts of reality, whether or not you know that reality has not had contact with her do not know what a sentence is telling.I have my own experience of the subject. For example, anatomy pathology fp2 I naturally had groups in the astral, which prevented me to get a degree with honors.I have defeated my intellectual life, for them, students of neuroscience, medicine, psychiatry, psychology and other cognitive behavior are recognized and famous in their midst, with the written study of the living experience of a victim of psychic rape, ME.
As I had abstract intelligence, is needed to moberse in the second attempt in the field of mind, that if you do not control loco.Pude absorbs and makes you wriggle out of that reality with imaginacion.Recurria much to hear music, to escape from the personal importance of some "unworthy of the profession of the study of the mind", like how I get now. To study a person must perform uan priemro brutal cleaning of your importance, kill your ego, shamanically or psychologically. reborn when you can become the observer. If staff do not do this feat only project your ego to another, polluted their behavior and mind, and also fail to study their behavior.I insist that I have not been part of any group of harassment, not what a psychic rape machine, I'm just experiencing that reality .... since childhood. And now I can explain it.
The word no sexual experience and creative, you can not explain entender.Me, experiential beings are sexual. Our sexuality has five human senses, with which we relate to the middle of the third dimension, physical, human.With these five senses figured experiential information in our environment, and accumulate in our historical memory, is the most primitive animal. By having external information creates sensual sexual desire.We confuse genital sex desire, sex of man has five senses, not just one .... lol.When checking the pleasure it gives a tasty, or the scent of a flower, or touch another nice skin, deso arises, is born from you, and you become pleasure seeker.Psychological damage, to which we are subject, with synthetic aura not want to acknowledge, separates us from the world of original pleasure, of Paradise, in which we were happy with our sensuality human comoanimales.NO shan vampires become trapped in a coffin electromagnetic separates us from the pleasure of the third dimension, physical and sexual senses are useless, only good vampire proprioception, ie.The vampire just hungry, do not have sex for pleasure, just engulfs the simulated experience or stolen from another soul. The vampire is the tin man, you want to have a human heart, want to feel human, why live in the underworld in order to use technology to experience that which remembers and human.Parasitic mind, so that the living informacionque, sexuality captures five senses d elos skip to proprioceptive cells or corpuscles that are in our senses, and we serve as messengers from outside naturally, in a vampire serves to capture reality as the other has captured.When imposiones hands, or things like that, the healer captures what the other feels, is because he has stolen from his proprioception, this what I think, as we converted all appliances, we have adapted to receive signals from the connection with others. (Repeat this what I think).So I agree with Mr. Oscar Villaroya, words can not be understood without experience.
Live a normal human sexual experience with their physical environment and learn quickly, but a child with a history of Kaspar Hauser syndrome, salvage the child who has not been in contact with other humans, can not adapt a learned language, the word no sense to him, has not experienced their sexuality, desire, the five senses creates the sexual drive, to gain knowledge and life experience.Today is strange interest as dr. Villarroya in that Kaspar Hauser syndrome, as lo? Studied?It would be good that an extraterrestrial being, who had nothing to lose, and did not care to reflect on this conundrum, exercise journalist with that doctor in Barcelona and make him intelligent questions to understand as a researcher and neuroscientist Lord understands and speaks of the dissolution of the mind and of Kaspar Hauser syndrome while.I'm just a poor victim of mind control that has been treated like a fucking whore by enacting very worthy people the truth, spirituality and seeking justice for why I stopped pueblo.Por relaidad of being victim and ask for help the community to solve the mystery.This article by Oscar Villroya, I had to make an aggressive containment effort, to understand at once that reality. But it seems that people practice the secret of Machin, being in love with two women at once and not be crazy.
The tarot card, of lovers encloses a decision, would I kill my conscience to accept old and new? or do I stay immobile at my destination that gives me an opportunity to transmute my conscience, and I am sucked into the madness of desire that never manifest because I'm a coward?
the wizard or warrior must move even his obgetivo useless, or knows that will be his end. Because death is real fear his immobility and his fate, and evolution.
I personally being raped and sexually separate my entornoa cusa an electromagnetic aura in which simulations have been controlled sensopercpcion, not to mention the difficulties that these groups have created with my family, to be hated and separates bla bla ..., mind-controlled, and directed by a master of something, something that had licensed the opportunity to have a career and a normal life familair protected by their profession.
I think someone who studies and is interested in the solution of the mind and Kaspar Hauser syndrome is suspected of something ...........Read the article yourself and discern what he says, and the confidence with which he says it.
http://www.onirogenia.com/entrevistas/oscar-villaroya-neurologo-la-disolucion-de-la-mente/For an informed victim's scary what this gentleman, for an ignorant on the subject is a doctor revered and admired.
As Don Juan Matus, Castaneda in the literature, the warrior or warlock only fears that the eagle Soak, ie the eye of Horus kills him in the astral field.When a witch or initiated refuses to "see" the truth of the knowledge he has before him, clings to ignorance, and goes crazy, prisoner of his stupidity.In the astral there knowledge or ignorance of this, you choose. And I'll ask the effigy. Who are you? The choice is yours.In the astral things are very clear, it "sees" the soul of people, you can not hide. So Don Juan says that the world should stop to "hear" and "see." With the third eye, the eye of Horus.So Don Quixote, a masterpiece full of mystery, says in a chapter:Something like .....: ....... that the more the people are far more hear the barking of the dogs ....
People in the astral is noisy, not to "see" the reality is before, not usually want to face his destiny and becomes moron. It defends a headlong rush, with nervous joke, or more still clutching his ignorant attitude and becoming fiercely horrendous.If you act like one of those animals that pretend to be dead, "stop the world", you can "see" in the astral behave like that attitude and behavior are your enemies. When you know you can attack them where it hurts, and how they prefer ignorance to knowledge they die, are unused.The eagle devours them inside, and they become like spoiled children with infantile tantrums.
I will shake ....... as I could .. And here I am, I hope to find a soul mate who understands that knowledge and the death of these clay idols that are neuroscientists, the quantum physicists, and false prophets as the Dalai Lama and his project summary, which is linked to the world's leading scientists to change global consciousness ..... It's what the world needs to wake up the lion unavez and rebel against slavery.
The synthesis project is the culmination of the work of a capitalist empire macabre you want to control the human race.Conscience is the historical memory can be changed only with devices biorresonacia dissolving them quantified, and program the mind again, adapting to the demands of the New Order.
Faz o seguinte curra mulher e filhos mediante bBB do crime com biochips para interface adulterar comportamento e depois de anos de jugo a revelia, das trapaças contra vÃtimas (mãe e filhos) por sociedade psicopata, e faça aos seus o mesmo, pois se as leis existem e são violadas roubando a vida de inocentes para então transformá-los em bonecos de TV, sua participação criminosa nunca foi detida, por que acha que teem a condição de maltratar qem já foi roubado de si? punir vÃtimas?
ResponderEliminara combinação de entretenimento com lucro a partir da audiência, macerou a vida de inocentes para supostamente colocarem como antes não fora só amor,
Quando o cú dos seus estiver na reta de milhares para sadomazoquismo geral, mantenha-me informada, terei satisfação em assistir, pois agora eu aprendi com vocês, como é viver em sociedade
Invasão de mente, corpos, vidas, e moradas para depois sodomizar as vÃtimas
Aguardo, Célia!