jueves, 17 de enero de 2013

Psychological violence is only sound perceived by our proprioceptive system bothers us and attacks

Psychological violence is only sound perceived by our proprioceptive system bothers us and attacksWhat I do is something similar. In this video you will hear an annoying sound, but the sound of uan drop of water falling in the basin.
Is something like that, what happens is not what the device or the function, not the word.The fact is that magnify the voices.The worst and most evil took the woman is from Russia or something if. It is horrendously awful having to hear it and support it.It's loud.It is pleasing to any of them that asked something.It's like a spoiled child with hatred inside, hate children, hate other women, lafelicidad hate others, hate it ..... Per vera not any.If caused by touching the fiber that hatred goes, you just have to be happy and to tell the truth, does not support it.
You may ask because I tell you this. For several reasons.The magnification of the sound is like the magnification of consciousness. The difference in sound and video of my reality, is that in the video, the two sounds are separated, and in my reality, the sound comes from the person.

It is an extension of your voice, so you have a musical language that discovers his conscience. Although pretend with kitten voice, his conscience stares me, and I can not pretend to the said authority. Soo can punish with pain by the bioresonance apparatus quantified with various pains that sent me:pangs that keep feet continuous sleep all night.virtual animal bitesgenital itchingagitation throughout the bodyHeart palpitations, combined with containment virtual heart pounding, it's like I locked up inside a glass capsule, and I could not breathe. A feeling that has haunted me all life is dying from a heart attack ....Tremors several muscles, as if he had Parkinson's, or as if it were the beginning of a epilesia ....Cogen and seems to have a program exactisimo on the spatial orientation of the joints, because sometimes I wake up in the morning with the head dull, and painful joints, but all the hands seems to be broken ... This sabra only true when there are more people like me to explain it ...I stuck a brutal beating with the sound, not heard, but felt in my body. So I get up as if he had worked in a mine all night, and thick head.
For you to understand how I have to tell you sound monitored with uan anecdote that happened to me today:I was taking a shower and put my legs between the handle of the shower to wash my hair, the water of the artichoke leaves divided into very small droplets on my calves, and I resent that touch horribly. Because telemetrically sent me this sound bothers me, is like a fire crackling propiceptivamente perceived with proprioceptive cells that capture the transformed signals collected 5 senses the medium.
It is very difficult to explain if the action is not known, thanks to a few months study destiny psychomotor technician, and was aware of these terms.The sound on a person who is psychically raped too annoying, but annoying sensoperceptivamente more.
Reminds me of a movie of my favorite actor from my childhood, "The Fall of the House of Usher" In cuel the protagonist had a aenfermedad unknown, could not stand the sound, even a feather falling on the carpet.

At the moment I do not happens, but thanks to this experience I understand.
We are involved in a fluid steric unnatural, that is not for the electrochemical environment of our planet. telecommunications engineers have created so that information can surf wirelessly, but we have explained.
We are surrounded by sounds with information traveling on a space common to human, animal and plant.
According to the Royal Spanish Academy, hyperspace is a space of more than three dimensions, as the hypercube.

you look, we see in this hypercube coincidentally an old emblem of smasones, not sure if it is correct or just a coincidence, but I think I see the square and compass that.

If this is correct, could have left the hypercube, and if you exit the hypercube centuries means that the Masons have controlled current dela mother metaphysics quantum physics. And that means that everything you knew today what we are explaining quantum sfisicos, and also who know the acrecentacion of consciousness through the psychotronic technology.But this is a guess, others should habalr it.
In geometry, a tesseract or hypercube is a figure formed by two dimensional cubes displaced fourth dimensional axis (let's call the first length, the second and the third depth height). In a four-dimensional space, the tesseract is a cube of four spatial dimensions.
The hypercube has no other function to materialize as an abstract idea of ​​consciousness acrecentacion thanks to electromagnetism, it is as if the cognitive system is made twice as big, not physically but in another dimension that still do not understand why we were not told the truth.And that is very complexa spatial dimension to live in a virtual bombarded with information from a sailing point of planetaa another, imagine how many people are ill or paranoid, and say something or the stunning upset and invisible. Radio frequencies that travel and collide with our electromagnetic fields and expand the vibration with your information.We have become like the frog in Algore, we have adapted both to door, to the discomfort already know or protest.And again, as we are individually targeted diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic, to perceive strange sensations in our physical or around us, or we say we hear a man who threatens us and instead of thinking what might happen to us logically and reasonably, we are branded as crazy or social discomfort.And worse some people tell us it's bad karma, which otherwise life has been to balance the power .. to shit in panties friends!!

We find sociologists that support social nuestrogrupo, porqu esomos uan social manifestation, we believe it or not. This would be the true cominezo, manifest as a new social group, such as homosexuals in his time, who claimed his exitencia, as well.Then will demand other things, but in sta society with reason and justice paraplegic, have to go baby steps.

We have created an aura, a morphic field or whatever you want to call it that is operative to create us sensopercpcion ghost that our cognitive system recognized as true and operate with that information you are teleported to an operational center in the future if we do not control this reality, Barcelona will be the computer "marenostrum" qu eesta keeping human genome data, or any other that we decided to opt for eye color or have our baby.

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