The mind control that is being used widely in our world seeks to create frustration.Through the frustration of men and women. Then comes the hate.
If you find fustrado er uns and dominated by its lack, can deliver what you want and entarlo, elo porqu only wants the group to see how lucky.All I KNOW these inspirations from the world of ideas as Plato defended. NOT an opinion is knowledge that I have seen. Because in ancient Greek idea is to see.
- "An idea (Greek ἰδέα, Eidos, 'I saw') is an image that exists or is in the mind. The human capacity to contemplate ideas is associated with the ability of reasoning, self-reflection, creativity and ability to acquire and apply intellect. ideas lead to the concepts, which are the basis of any scientific or philosophical knowledge. Nevertheless, in a popular sense, an idea can arise even in the absence of reflection, for example , to discuss the idea of a person or a place.
Castaneda spoke of silent knowledge, is one that projects the idea, and the seer sees.The cognitive system sees, is like an octopus with all senses alert, watching, when a mind comes into contact with another and gave her perfume, gives a fractal of conscience about something.That perfume has no words has to do with telemetry, ie man-mind-connected-computer interface because it can not be viewed.
Let me explain, the acquisition of knowledge is a paradox, Knowledge is the absence of ignorance, does not mean being more intelligent or clever.If anyone would plug and rapes him psychically with this technology, and have the opportunity to see what it means to "see", admit it cos qu'm saying.Knowledge is clarity, light breaks the darkness of ignorance of a fact belongs concreto.No anyone is free because Es Truth is my God, who knows the truth knows that's what it is, knowledge is Revealed Truth. AM THAT I AM, The God, The Truth.
The person who is in contact with other minds can see the truth and deny convenirle because if supported should evolve.People you should deny who he is, because you do not want to keep falling in love but her father or mother, constantly as psychiatrists say.When you buy your own Truth Knowledge which becomes a petty tyrant to harass, to stalk your consciousness until you evolve with other more adult behavior.I've had a brutal experience because I desire knowledge, and because there is knowledge to free the human being who has the social category or race.It is a poetic act of rebellion tell the truth to everyone.But who does not want to evolve can not be happy, in the astral world with love sepuede fight against self-importance, it has to beat fiercely and relentlessly.Love kills the possibility of growing a person.
In the astral or mental or whatever name is leo solosirve what you like or do not like it, it is that simple, if you do not like something nopuedes avoid manifest. Your mind gives you away, if you like the same.
I understand perfectly what you mean when you say psychiatry:The edipus complex, mother's love child.The Electra complex, girl love d ela mother.
Such things as extavagantes for normal people does not make sense until you connect to a collective mind to consciously estudiarte.De clear.People are more stupid than we are cavemen with technology and silk clothing.When we put in a situation is as committed as we cagamos astral field (not my case, I have used and topped me from drinking) because the rest of us "see" and laugh at us, then reacts as a kid , dumb-ass, which is annoying.If CAstandeda tells the truth, he must be a monster to Don Juan, because he was curious and fell in love with everything that was happening.I remember an episode where a witch builds a tiled room, placed specifically to catch him, and this, when I see congratulated her on her excellent work. it just makes a horny mental curiosity, having fun.
Continuing with psychiatry, when these stalking someone who does not want to evolve, ie see the truth and change their attitude. This person suffers a brutal attitude changes, and suffer psychological processes of change in shape even want to seduce the father or mother.
The dissolution of the Witch
There are no geniuses, people with attitude just having fun with the experience offered by the destination, so shamanic or psychological death is sought by the true spiritual warrior or warlock.So ignorance is killed and the truth prevails.
The man suffering Oedipus complex is different, turns to his wife baby-mother to get what they want. Lose all the papers to continue receiving caresses her.
Social engineering has created Oedipus and Electra complexes with full awareness of the world around us so we put sticks in the wheels and see what governments and the powers that we are doing.
Mind control is unknown to the civilian population, is so simple it's scary.It is technology that is patented lña sack people what Dr. Delgado and his estimociber began to uncover the truth, but people do not know that is affecting the and therefore rejects the very expert information that people offer.
Mind control educates, but also creates behaviors creates zombification. This means that they have that power over you, you can enter your consciousness completely and become a Golem mercilessly.Should care for it, but society is too important suchas personal life does well not bother to investigate.Psychiatry has nurtured psychic rape ignored by people, so that refuses to individually targeted born into this society.Sociologists owe us our birth as a great social group that is revolutionizing the world with what we say.
To deprogram a victim of sects, that this deranged with power that created the leader has to use the same tecnollogia that the sect. If it is impossible to deprogram uan consciousness.I went to a very important one in Barcelona, which came on the back of the lead.The guy was speechless, responded to the simple question of Do you know this? after several attempts. And returned to his silence. Not interested him more for that case of live programming that I was suffering, and that I was unavictima of people I was driving ensueñso directed etc ... do not remember exactly what I said but it was beast.Such boasts crooks and I can certify that the third dimension is a teenager discovered in the fourth do not know ..... But biorresonacia exerting coercive pressure pain with punishment anyone can convince anyone.
The final act was the most impressive of all, I advise you to be careful when exiting the corners, could lose by not knowing this street.Clearly told me a bitch.Imagianos how easy it would be to dismantle this guy!!!
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